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Interviews are a great way to share experiences in an accessible and personal way. This website features interviews with practitioners as well as researchers working in Catholic education globally, or in other organizations promoting integral human development. We hope to feature multiple voices and experiences, so if you have ideas of people you believe we should interview, please contact us. We can conduct and publish interviews in English, French, or Spanish. We also feature on this website links to a few other series of interviews on Catholic education or other related topics. If there is a series you believe that we should link to, again, let us know.
This page provides: (1) interviews conducted as part of the Global Catholic Education series; and (2) links to other interesting series of interviews on Catholic education or related topics. For our interviews, apart from making interviews available individually, when enough interviews are available for a topic, we combine them together in an edited volume (see compilations of interviews) with a brief overview highlighting common themes. Interviews can be conducted in English, French, or Spanish - If you have an idea for an interview, please contact us.
Compilations of Interviews
CI 7: World Catholic Education Day 2022: Responding to the Call from Pope Francis
CI 6: Science, Philosophy, and Theology in Dialogue
CI 5: Research in Service of Catholic Education Practice: Interviews in Honor of Prof. G. Grace
CI 4: Values, Economics, and Catholic Social Thought - Volume 1: North America
CI 3: Catholic Education in Africa and the Middle East: Perspectives from National Leaders
CI 2: World Catholic Education Day 2021: Celebrating Educators
CI 1: Ensuring a Bright Future for All Children
Individual Interviews - series in process
Beyond the Classroom Series
BCS-3: Gerardo Talajera, Director general de Casa Refugiados en México
BCS-2: Nancy Falcon, Directora ejecutiva del Centro de díalogui intercultural Alba en Argentina
BCS-1: Robert Johnson, Director of the Institute for New Thinking, United States
Education Pluralism Series
EPS-3: Ignasi Grau I Callizo, Director General of OIDEL
EPS-2: Ashley Rogers Berner, Director of Johns Hopkins U.'s Institute for Education Policy
EPS-1: Annette Scheunpflug, Council Member of GPENreformation
Catholic Education Alumni Series
CEA-4: Laurent Grégoire, Président de la COFAEC
CEA-3: Evangelina Garcia, Presidente de UNAEC América
CEA-2: José Ramón Batiste, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de la OMAEC
CEA-1: Alfonso Giraldo Saavedra, Presidente de la OMAEC
Catholic Economists Series - Volume 2: Other Regions
CES-17: Philip Booth, Professor of Finance, Public Policy, and Ethics at Saint Mary's University
CES-16: Idesbald Nicaise, Professor of Economics at KU Leuven
Individual Interviews - completed series
Digitalization in Education Series
Edited volume (forthcoming): Digitalization in Education: Challenges and Opportunities (includes the 15 interviews)
List of interviews
ETD-15: Sean Hogan, Partner with Buckley Hogan Law Office, United States
ETD-14: Annette Scheunpflug, Professor at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg, Germany
ETD-13: Myriam Caranzano, ancienne Directrice de la fondation ASPI, Suisse
ETD-12: Dallas Carter, High School Director at St Michael School in Waialua, Hawaii
ETD-11: Régis Gaudemer, Formateur et professeur des écoles avec l’ISFEC Normandie, France
ETD-10: Anne-Christine Louis, Responsable formation au numérique, ISFEC-AFAREC, France
ETD-9: Maud Berger, enseignante et formatrice à l'ADIEC et à l'ISGEC de Caen, France
ETD-8: Bhagya Rangachar, Founder and Managing Trustee, CLT India
ETD-7: Rabi Karmacharya, Founder and Executive Director, OLE Nepal
ETD-6: Rose Cardarelli, Founder and CEO, Education for All Coalition
ETD-5: Anthony Bloome, Executive Director, Mobiles for Education Alliance
ETD-4: Michael Knowles, Associate Director, Office of Catholic Schools, Diocese of Trenton, USA
ETD-3: Thomas Burnford, Vice President, Catholic Virtual, USA
ETD-2: Myriam Gesché, Déléguée épiscopale pour l’enseignement, Diocèse de Tournai, Belgique
ETD-1: Hervé Lecomte, responsable du projet Planet Fraternity, OIEC
World Catholic Education Day 2022 Series
Edited volume: World Catholic Education Day 2022: Responding to the Call from Pope Francis (includes an article and the 7 interviews)
List of interviews
Part 1: Article based on the Global Catholic Education Interview Series
Part 2: Individual Interviews
WCE 2022-7: Myriam Gesché, Déléguée épiscopale pour l’enseignement, Belgique
WCE 2022-6: Idesbald Nicaise, Professor of Economics at KU Leuven, Belgium
WCE 2022-5: Father René Micallef SJ, Associate Lecturer at the Gregorian University, Italy
WCE 2022-4: Cathy Low, Volunteer of the International Movement ATD Fourth World, Switzerland
WCE 2022-3: Sœur Mickerlyne Cadet, École Hôtelière Marie Auxiliatrice, Haïti
WCE 2022-2: Sr. Antoinette Nneka Opara, Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Kenya
WCE 2022-1: Sor María Antonieta García Carrizales, Presidenta del Consejo de la CIEC. Péru
Expanded Reason Series
Edited volume: Science, Philosophy, and Theology in Dialogue: Interviews with Expanded Reason Award Recipients (includes the 14 interviews)
List of interviews
ERS-14: Therese Lysaught, Professor at Loyola University Chicago
ERS-13: John Slattery, Senior Program Associate with AAAS
ERS-12: James Arthur, Professor at the University of Birmingham
ERS-11: Juan F. Franck, Professor at Universidad Austral
ERS-10: Marta Bertolaso, Professor at Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome
ERS-9: John C. Cavadini, Professor at the University of Notre Dame
ERS-8: Gonzalo Génova and María del Rosario González, both Professors at universities in Madrid
ERS-7: Claudia Vanney, Director of the Philosophy Institute at Universidad Austral
ERS-6: Darcia Narvaez, Professor emerita at the University of Notre Dame
ERS-5: Father Javier Sánchez Cañizares, Professor at the University of Navarra
ERS-4: Jay Martin, Assistant Teaching Professor at the University of Notre Dame
ERS-3: Robert Enright, Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
ERS-2: William Simpson, Junior Research Fellow at the University of Cambridge
ERS-1: Max Bonilla, Director of the Expanded Reason Institute at U. Francisco de Vitoria
Research in Catholic Education Series
Edited volume: Research in Service of Catholic Education Practice: Interviews in Honor of Professor Gerald Grace (includes the 13 interviews)
List of interviews
​RCE-13: Sean Whittle, Visiting Research Fellow at St Mary’s University
RCE-12: John Sullivan, Emeritus Professor at Liverpool Hope University
RCE-11: Sr. Kate Punnachet, Sister of Saint Paul of Chartres
RCE-10: Helena Miller, Director of Degrees at the London School of Jewish Studies
​RCE-9: Fr. Cristobal Madero, SJ, Professor at Universidad Alberto Hurtado
RCE-8: John Lydon, Professor at St Mary’s University
RCE-7: Caroline Healy, Course Lead, MA in Catholic School Leadership, St Mary’s University
RCE-6: Marie Griffin, Chairperson of the Catholic Education Partnership, Ireland
RCE-5: Anne Lise Gordon, Director of the Institute for Education at St Mary’s University
RCE-4: Leonard Franchi, Lecturer at the University of Glasgow
RCE-3: David Finchman, Senior Lecturer and Senior Fellow at St Mary’s University
RCE-2: Sr. Jacinta Mary Adhiambo, Missionary Congregation of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary
RCE-1: Gerald Grace, Editor of International Studies in Catholic Education
Catholic Economists Series - Volume 1: North America
Edited volume: Values, Economics, and Catholic Social Thought: Interviews with Catholic Economists, Volume 1: North America (includes the 15 interviews)
List of interviews
CES-15: Alessandro Barattieri, Associate Professor of International Economics at UQAM
CES-14: Leonard Wantchekon, Professor of Economics at Princeton University
CES-13: Doug Norton, Assistant Teaching Professor at Florida State University
CES-12: Eric Scorsone, Associate Professor of Economics at Michigan State University
CES-11: Robert Whaples, Professor of Economics at Wake Forest University
CES-10: Charles Clark, Professor of Economics at St. John’s University
CES-9: Camila Morales, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Texas at Dallas
CES-8: Ademar Bechtold, Professor of Economics at Notre Dame of Maryland University
CES-7: Maria Marta Ferreyra, Senior Economist at the World Bank
CES-6: Carola Binder, Assistant Professor of Economics at Haverford College
CES-5: Peter Arcidiacono, Professor of Economics at Duke University
CES-4: Malcolm Kass, Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Dallas
CES-3: Clara Piano, Assistant Professor of Economics at Samford University
CES-2: Joseph Kaboski, Professor of Economics at the University of Notre Dame
CES-1: Bernhard Gunter, Assistant Professor of Economics at American University
Catholic Education in Africa and the Middle East Series
Edited volume: Catholic Education in Africa and the Middle East: Perspectives from National Leaders (includes the 15 interviews)
List of interviews
AME-15: Josephine Shamwana-Lungu, Education Secretary, Archdiocese of Lusaka, Zambia
AME-14: Père Pierre Marie Chanel Affognon, Directeur national de l’enseignement catholique, Togo
AME-13: Br. Charles Sianga Kabeta, Congregation of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart, Zambia
AME-12: Raoul Sika, Directeur, Commission Episcopale de l’Education Catholique, Congo
AME-11: Anne Baker, Deputy Director, Catholic Institute for Education, South Africa
AME-10: Frère Charles Biagui sc, Secrétaire national de l’enseignement catholique, Sénégal
AME-9: Fr. David Jimoh Jarju, former Catholic Education Secretary, The Gambia
AME-8: Père Didier Affolabi, Directeur national de l'enseignement catholique, Bénin
AME-7: Père Boutros Azar, Secrétaire Général des écoles catholiques, Liban
AME-6: Gilberte Chung Kim Chung, Director of the Catholic Education Office, Mauritius
AME-5: Père Hubert Kiemde, Secrétaire Général de l'enseignement catholiques, Burkina Faso
AME-4: Père Jawad Alamat, Secrétaire Général de l'enseignement catholiques, Tunisie
AME-3: Père Marc Boucrot, Secrétaire Général de l'enseignement catholiques, Maroc
AME-2: Père Jamal Khader, Secrétaire Général de l’enseignement catholique, Palestine
AME-1: Koundya Joseph Guindo, Secrétaire national de l’enseignement catholique, Mali
World Catholic Education Day 2021 Series
Edited volume: World Catholic Education Day 2021: Celebrating Educators and Working Together for the Global Compact on Education (includes the 25 interviews)
List of interviews
Part 1: FMA Congregation and girls' education
WCE-1-7: Sœur Joséphine Chulu, Directrice du Centre Laura Vicuña en RD Congo
WCE-1-6: Sor Patricia Parraguez Núñez, FMA, Instituto Hijas de María Auxiliadora, Chile
WCE-1-5: Sœur Annecie Audate, FMA, Directrice générale de VIDES international, Italie
WCE-1-4: Sr. Josephine Garza, FMA, Principal of the Don Bosco School in Manila, Philippines
WCE-1-3: Sr. Sarah B. Garcia, FMA, Director of the IIMA Human Rights Office in Geneva, Switzerland
WCE-1-2: Sr. Maria Victoria P. Sta. Ana, FMA, Director of the Laura Vicuña Foundation, Philippines
WCE-1-1: Soeur Martha Seide, FMA, Faculté Pontificale pour les Sciences de l’Education, Italie
Part 2: Perspectives from teachers, school principals, and administrators
WCE-2-10: David Brandán, Director General del Instituto María Auxiliadora, Bernal, Argentina
WCE-2-9: Joseph Herveau, responsable de l'animation pastorale, France
WCE-2-8: Fr. Hans Zollner, SJ, Professor at the Gregorian University, Italy
WCE-2-7: Hmo. Nestor Anaya Marín, Secretario de Misión Educativa, Escuelas Cristianas, Italia
WCE-2-6: Louis-Marie Piron et Marie Lopez de l’enseignement catholique en France
WCE-2-5: Sr. Teresita Kambeitz, from the Newman Theological College, Canada
WCE-2-4: Leonardo Franchi, Lecturer at the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
WCE-2-3: Père Alexandre Bingo, Proviseur du Lycée Saint Luc de Banfora, Burkina Faso
WCE-2-2: Kathy Mears, Interim CEO of the National Catholic Education Association, the US
WCE-2-1: Br. Peter Tabichi, Winner of the 2019 Global Teacher Prize, Kenya
Part 3: Perspectives from OIEC regional representatives
WCE-3-4: Père Didier Affolabi, Directeur national de l'enseignement catholique, Bénin
WCE-3-3: Fr. Alain Manalo, Superintendent of Diocesan Schools, Diocese of Imus, Philippines
WCE-3-2: Guy Selderslagh, Secrétaire Général du CEEC, Belgique
WCE-3-1: Père Boutros Azar, Secrétaire Général des écoles catholiques, Liban
Part 4: Perspectives from international organizations
WCE-4-4: Alfonso Giraldo Saavedra, Presidente de la OMAEC, Colombia
WCE-4-3: Giovanni Perrone, Secrétaire Général de l'UMEC, Italie
WCE-4-2: François Mabille, Secrétaire Général de la FIUC, France
WCE-4-1: Philippe Richard, Secretary General of OIEC, France (available in French & Spanish)
Children at Risk Series
Edited volume: Ensuring a Bright Future for All Children: Interviews at the Frontline of Working with Children at Risk Globally (includes the 15 interviews)
List of interviews
CAR-15: Svetlana Mamonova, Director at Perspektivy in Russia
CAR-14: Lola Nasriddinova, Director of IRODA in Tajikistan
CAR-13: Thomas d'Aquin Rubambura Mituga, Coordinateur adjoint du PEDER en RD Congo
CAR-12: Alda Segla, Psychologue chargée de la formation BICE en Afrique
CAR-11: Davy Tith, Director of OEC in Cambodia
CAR-10: Emmanuel Kazige, Directeur Exécutif de GHOVODI en RD Congo
CAR-9: Rana El Khoury, Coordinatrice du projet Fratelli au Liban
CAR-8: Véronique Brossier, Festival BICE de films Enfances dans le Monde
CAR-7: Abraham Bengaly, Président du Bureau National Catholique de l'Enfance, Mali
CAR-6: Mary Chelladurai, Director of the Aina Trust in India
CAR-5: María Consuelo Barletta, Coordinadora del programa BICE Niñez sin Rejas, Peru
CAR-4: Carlos Alberto Alarcon Novoa, Coordinador de la Mesa BICE Centroamérica
CAR-3: Diana Shirley Herreño Bustos, Coordinadora del programa Niñez sin Rejas, Colombia
CAR-2: Norberto Liwski, Médico pediatra social y docente universitario, Argentina
CAR-1: Alessandra Aula, Secrétaire Générale du BICE
Other Interesting Series of Interviews
Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities - @ the helm
Interviews with Presidents of Catholic colleges and universtities in the US.
Berkley Center Interviews - Georgetown University
Interviews with activists, religious leaders, and policy specialists on best practices and collaborative strategies across a range of contemporary development challenges.
Catholic School Matters Podcasts
Interviews with school leaders by Tim Uhl, superintendent of Montana Catholic Schools.
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