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Degrees for Teachers
Teaching is a vocation, but it requires adequate training. We hope to progressively make available on this website resources for those considering a career as a teacher. In addition, we hope to provide resources for those with a specific interest in graduate study in religious education or theology.
The level of qualifications required of teachers and researchers in the field of education varies between countries. This makes it difficult to provide resources relevant for multiple countries. Therefore, as a pilot, this page provides resources focusing on graduate study in the United States. Based on your feedback, we may extent the resources on this page to other countries. Please contact us if you would like to share feedback.
For the United States, this page provides information on programs of graduate study that may be of interest to those interested in becoming teachers. We focus in particular on programs serving disadvantaged communities. Information is also provided on colleges and universities offering degrees in religious education. Finally, information is provided on colleges and universities providing degrees in theology and religious studies. Again, if you have suggestions for resources to be added, please contact us.

For the United States, this page provides links to selected programs training teachers and, separately, to schools granting MA or PhD degrees in religious education or theology. Specifically, links are provided to: (1) Teach for America; (2) the University Consortium for Catholic Education; (3) Selected other programs for aspiring teachers; (4) MA and PhD programs in religious education; and (5) MA and PhD programs in theology. If you have suggestions for resources to be added, please contact us.
Teach for America
Teach For America is a highly selective and well regarded program whereby “corps members” commit to teaching for two years in a public school in a low-income community (the program has no affiliation with the Catholic community). The program provides extensive training an support. It does not pay tuition for the cost of a Master's degree, but some regions have partnerships with colleges and universities that can facilitate undertaking the required program of study towards a Master's degree. The program has an extensive network of nearly 62,000 alumni and corps members.
University Consortium for Catholic Education
The University Consortium for Catholic Education (UCCE) consists of 14 programs placing over 400 teachers in Catholic/parochial schools in two dozen states each year. Graduate students complete coursework at their respective universities and spend two years serving as educators enriching their Catholic school communities. They also commit to sharing and deepening their faith and spiritual lives. The links below provide useful comparative data on the 14 programs as well as links to the individual program websites:
ACE - Alliance for Catholic Education, University of Notre Dame
ACESJU - Alliance of Catholic Education at Saint Joseph's University
ACT - Academy of Catholic Education, University of San Diego
Billiken Teacher Corps, Saint Louis University
ExCEL - Excellence in Catholic Education and Leadership, Santa Clara University
Lalanne Program, University of Dayton
LANCE - Lasallian Association of New Catholic Educators, Christian Brothers University
LU-Choice - Loyola University Chicago Opportunities in Education
Magis Catholic Teacher Corps, Creighton University
Operation TEACH, Notre Dame of Maryland University
PACE - Pacific Alliance for Catholic Education, University of Portland
PACT - Providence Alliance for Catholic Teachers, Providence College
PLACE Corps - Partners in LA Catholic Education, Loyola Marymount University
UCTC - Urban Catholic Teachers Corps, Boston College
Other Programs for Aspiring Teachers
Beyond Teach for America and programs from the University Consortium for Catholic Education, other programs exist for other types of schools, including independent schools and charter schools. A useful description of some alternative programs is available here.
Graduate Programs in Religious Education
The Religious Studies Association maintains a list of graduate programs in religious education, considering both Master's degrees and PhDs. The list is provided below.
Doctoral Programs
​Azusa Pacific University-Educational Leadership, Ed.D.
Biola University-Educational Studies, Ph.D.
Boston College-Philosophy in Theology and Education, Ph.D.
Boston University-Philosophy in Theological Studies, Ph.D.
Claremont Graduate University – Ph.D. in Practical Theology
Catholic University of America– Ph.D.
Columbia Theological Seminary-Doctor of Educational Ministry, D.Ed.Min.
Dallas Baptist University-Educational Leadership, Ed.D.
Drew University-Ph.D.
Duke University
Emory University
Fordham University-Religious Education, Ph.D.
Fuller Seminary – Intercultural Studies Ph.D.
Garrett Evangelical-Christian Education and Congregational Studies, Ph.D.
Graduate Theological Union (in Berkeley)
Iliff/University of Denver – Ph.D.
Jewish Theological Seminary-Jewish Education, Ed.D.
Lancaster Bible College/Seminary
Midwestern Seminary-Doctor of Educational Ministry, D.Ed.Min.
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary-Doctor of Educational Ministry, D.Ed.Min.
Princeton Theological Seminary-Ph.D.
Southern Baptist-Education in Educational Leadership, Ed.D.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southwestern Seminary-Doctor of Educational Ministries, D.Ed.Min.
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School-Educational Studies, Ph.D.
Union Seminary-Religion and Education, Ph.D.
Master’s Level Programs
Claremont School of Theology: MTS with Concentration in Religious Education
Columbia Theological Seminary: MAPT with Concentration in Christian Education
Dallas Theological Seminary: MA in Christian Education
Fordham University: MA in Religious Education
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary: MA in Christian Education
Gateway Seminary: MA in Educational Leadership
Interdenominational Theological Center: MA in Christian Education
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary: MA in Educational Ministries
Loyola University of Chicago: MAPS with Religious Education concentration
Lincoln Christian Seminary: Master of Religious Education
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary: MDiv in Christian Education
New York Theological Seminary: MA in Religious Education
Princeton Seminary: MA in Christian Education
Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology: MA in Christian Education
Toronto School of Theology: Master of Religious Education
Tyndale Seminary: Master of Theological Studies in Christian Education & Formation
University of St. Michael’s College: Master of Religious Education
Unification Theological Seminary: Master of Religious Education
Union Presbyterian Seminary: MA in Christian Education
Graduate Programs in Theology - Catholic Universities
The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) in the United States and Canada provides accreditation for graduate schools of theology. Below is the list of Roman Catholic schools that are accredited. Schools from other denominations are also included in the ATS directory but not listed here. When selecting a school, you will be directed to the school's entry in the ATS directory. You can search the directory among others by degree granted, location, and denomination (member schools page in ATS website).
Aquinas Institute of Theology
Athenaeum of Ohio
Atlantic School of Theology
Augustine Institute
Barry University Department of Theology and Philosophy
Boston College School of Theology and Ministry
Catholic Distance University Graduate School of Theology
Catholic Theological Union
Catholic University of America School of Theology and Religious Studies
Christ the King Seminary
Dominican House of Studies
Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology
Franciscan School of Theology
Graduate School of Theology and Ministry in Puerto Rico, St. Albert the Great
Holy Apostles College and Seminary
Immaculate Conception Seminary of Seton Hall University
Institut de Formation Theologique de Montreal
Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University
Kenrick-Glennon Seminary
Loyola Marymount University Department of Theological Studies
Loyola University Chicago Institute of Pastoral Studies
Mount Angel Seminary
Mount Saint Mary's Seminary
Newman Theological College
Notre Dame Seminary
Oblate School of Theology
Pontifical College Josephinum
Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary
Regis College
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology
Saint John's Seminary (MA)
Saint John's University School of Theology and Seminary
Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology
Saint Meinrad School of Theology
Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity of the University of St. Thomas
Saint Vincent Seminary
SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary
St. Augustine's Seminary of Toronto
St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry
St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
St. John Vianney Theological Seminary
St. John's Seminary (CA)
St. Joseph's Seminary
St. Mark's College
St. Mary's Seminary and University
St. Patrick's Seminary and University
St. Peter's Seminary
St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
University of Notre Dame Department of Theology
University of St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein Seminary
University of St. Michael's College Faculty of Theology
University of St. Thomas School of Theology
Villanova University Department of Theology and Religious Studies
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