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Our services include events (seminars and training), a blog, access to data, publications and call for papers which may provide you with an opportunity to publish your work. For the Knowledge Hub that will be progressively developed to provide guidance on a range of issues to which Catholic schools and universities are confronted, please go to the topics page.
This page provides access to other resources that can be useful to all those interested in Catholic education. This page also provides links to international organizations working on education and to some of our own initiatives, including the International Research and Decision Making Center (CIRAD) managed by the International Federation of Catholic Universities and Global Researchers Advancing Catholic Education (G.R.A.C.E.) of which the International Office of Catholic Education is a member. We will continue to add links on this page. If you think of additional resources that we should feature, please contact us.
Note: The building on the right is Arenberg Castle, which is part of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Belgium. The university was founded in 1425. It is today one of the internationally top ranked Catholic universities in the world.

You will find on this page (1) links to some of our initiatives and collaborations as well as other resources pages on this website; and (2) links to international agencies and other organizations that provide guidance on educational good practices.
Resource Pages (with Links) on this Website
ACISE (education researchers network of IFCU)
CHECS (Catholic Higher Education Supporting Catholic Schools)
CIRAD (International Research and Decision Making Center)
CREDO (Catholic Research Economists Discussion Organization)
Forum of Catholic NGOs
G.R.A.C.E. (Global Researchers Advancing Catholic Education)
Vatican/Holy See
Links to Selected International Organizations
Education Commission
Global Partnership for Education
UNESCO - Main website
UNESCO - Institute of Statistics
UNESCO - Global Monitoring Report
UNICEF - Main website
UNICEF - Innocenti Research Center
World Bank - Main website
World Bank - Education
Links to Other Organizations
Coming soon.
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